The Colored Museum

THE COLORED MUSEUM was O’Pharrow Theatre’s first official production and was a part of the D.C. Black Theatre Festival in 2017.

THE COLORED MUSEUM has electrified, discomforted, and delighted audiences of all colors, redefining our ideas of what it means to be black in contemporary America. Its eleven “exhibits” undermine black stereotypes old and new and return to the facts of what being black means.

Although funny on its surface, George C. Wolfe’s masterpiece attempts to engross black and white audiences as witnesses, accomplices and participants in the proceedings. The characters, as prized vessels, display their time-worn layers when they pour out their fears, loathing and pain to be absorbed by visitors to The Colored Museum.

Promotional Image

Cast and Crew

La Shunda “Life” Booker

Aunt Ethel/Woman/Mama/Topsy Washington

Nikki Baldwin

Slave/Girl Model/Lawanda/Lady in Plaid/Admonia/Normal Jean

Cedric Gum

Slave/Guy Model/Miss Roj/Walter Lee-Beau Willie Jones/The Kid/Florance 

Derrick Harley

Slave/Junie Robinson/Waiter/The Narrator/The Man

Caedyn Hinton

Slave Girl/LaLa’s Daughter

Adriane O’Pharrow

Ms. Pat/Janene/Medea Jones/LaLa Lamazing Grace


Kabriea Robinson

Stage Manager

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